Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cafe Verlet, Red Meat-Part 2, Student dinner @ Guy Savoy's L' Atelier Maître Albert

You really can't go wrong when you get coffee in Paris... or maybe that's because I can't tell the difference between one Parisian cafe's coffee to the next. We saw an online recommendation for Cafe Verlet as the best coffee in Paris so Quinn and I checked it out before my class. It was the first actual coffeehouse that we've gone to in Paris; the only other coffeehouse-type places in Paris that we've seen have been Starbucks chains. While Cafe Verlet had a selection of coffee beans from all over the world, I couldn't tell the difference between the coffee that we had there and the coffee that we'd get at our neighborhood cafe... oh well. Since it was lunch time and I would be in class for the next few hours, I ordered a crumble to tide me over. After Quinn and I devoured it, I realized that I probably needed something with at least a little nutritional value for lunch so I ordered the Quiche Lorraine. It was fluffy, tasty, and yummy!

During today's demo, Chef finished off the beef bourgogne, made potatoes anglaise, croutons, prime rib, and tomatoes provencal. He warned us not to eat too much before tonight's student dinner, but I couldn't help myself!

Le Cordon Bleu holds a student dinner for each 3-month class session. Ours was held at one of Guy Savoy's restaurant, L' Atelier Maître Albert. The menu consisted of a cold pea soup with a poached egg, cod with pureed potatoes and herbs, roasted chicken, veggies, a rhubarb madeleine with ice cream (and poached celery?), wine accompaniments, and coffee. Quinn joined me as my guest for dinner and he had a chance to meet the Chefs as well as some of my fellow classmates.

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