Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fish-Part 1 & Hollandaise, Stohrer

I had back to back classes starting with a demo and then a practical following immediately after. We're onto fish so during demo, Chef made poached hake steaks (in a court boullion) with a Hollandaise sauce and pan-fried sole with nut-brown butter. We also learned how to turn more vegetables (oh such fun): carrots, potatoes, and zucchini.

One of my fav breakfast dishes is eggs benedict. Now that I know how to make Hollandaise sauce, I can make it at home!! They make Hollandaise sauce much thicker in France than what I'm used to back home but it's soooooo good. I wonder if they use more butter the Hollandaise here.... In France, butter comes in blocks and not in the "sticks of butter" that I'm used to. For the Hollandaise sauce I made today, I used an entire block (that's more than 2 sticks of butter!).
Quinn is always full of surprises. When I got home, he had dessert ready for us for our after-dinner sweet tooth indulgence: millefeuille, tarte chocolat, and a pistachio chocolate log. Yum!

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