Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Darn jet lag...

Sigh... I still have the jet lag blues. I just woke up from a hefty nap and am forcing myself to stay up just a couple of hours longer to ward this thing off.

Today was a beautiful, sunny day! We walked 8 miles (which I know precisely because of my handy dandy pedometer). Thank goodness for my good ol' MBT's! First off, we made it over to Le Cordon Bleu to do a dry run of my future walk to school.

Afterwards, we stopped by the Eiffel Tower to have a snack (pain du lait avec nutella) on a park bench and then stumbled upon the Louvre on the way home. I was going to go to the market and then cook up a fab dinner, but I was oh so tired and passed out. Dinner for me ended up consisting of cheese and crackers. It's amazing how cheap some things are over here, which is the total opposite of what we had expected (thank goodness the dollar has gained some ground over the euro!). The brie that we gobbled up would have cost us several dollars back in the States but was only a euro and change at our local fromagerie. Wine in the supermarché ranges from 2 to 4 euros for a bottle. I think my fav is that you can get a pain aux chocolate for under one euro!

1 comment:

  1. it must have been such an experience for you to finally walk in front of le cordon bleu and take it all in....that's amazing :)
