Sunday, March 29, 2009

St. Eustache, Paris market, Maison Jouvin, Montorgueil cafe, Royal Madeleine

We started the morning at mass at St. Eustache. The gothic church was built in the 16th century and was situated at the entrance of Paris' ancient Les Halles markets.

Right outside of the church, there was a market, which we strolled down after mass. At the fish market, the promo was a whole salmon for only 5 euros. I had just learned to fillet a fish at school so I got all excited when we bought a fish to take home for lunch. We also bought some veggies so I could make some fish stock and Bercy sauce.

After cooking, I headed downstairs to Franprix to get some ice cube bags for my fish stock. Instead of using an ice tray, you can pour liquid into a bag and it makes ice cubes. Unfortunately, the grocery store closes early on Sunday so instead, I brought home pain au chocolat from our fav boulangerie, Maison Jouvin. I'll take pain au chocolat over ice cube bags anyday! Yum!

It was a lazy day in Paris, and Quinn and I headed to a café down the street to enjoy a cup of café crème. I was disssapointed that they didn't serve a piece of chocolate with their coffee so I rushed across the street to pick something up from L'Atelier du Chocolat. Both the café and the chocolat were mediocre but Quinn and I had a chance to relax and chit chat for a bit.

Brian, Diana, Chang Soo, Nina, Ed, and Pachi were all in Paris this weekend so we met up for dinner at Royal Madeleine. It was an SF reunion in Paris! The service was good, the company was great, and the food was delish.

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