Wednesday, March 11, 2009

J'aime l'appartment

L'appart is smack dab in the middle of Paris. It's small and quaint, but it feels so much bigger than what I'm used to back in SF. I can't believe how quiet it is here too! fire trucks at 3am, trash trucks at 7am, or the typical SF traffic that I'm so used to.

Not only is l'appart in the heart of Paris, it's on a cute, lively Parisian pedestrian street. Today, I made it further than half a block from home and found that my street is lined with fruit shops, flower shops, butcher shops, cheese shops, patisseries, chocolate shops (!!!!), and tons of cafés. I felt like I was walking through some Hollywood version of what Parisian life is epitomized to be. I love it here!

Today also marked the first trip down to the supermarché. Who knew that buying laundry detergent and hair conditioner would be so difficult?

After a couple of embarrassing encounters that showed my lack of knowledge in speaking French, I decided I would do some "homework" before dinner. I learned how to order food/drinks at the restaurant, ask for the bill, and use some small conversation pieces in restaurant lingo. For dîner, we went to the Restaurant le Grapillon, a restaurant that GCole recommended before I left (thanks GCole!). It was beyond delicious! I had escargot, penne with foie gras, and the richest, yummiest chocolate cake I've ever had in my whole entire life (better than the chocolate souffle at Roy's!).


  1. your place is so nice!! love it!!

  2. Grace, your apartment looks amazing! Tres, tres chic! ;)

  3. Escargot...yum-o! Just like the ones we had on
    our cruises. And the chocolate treats look so
    rich and delish

  4. your place looks wonderful! i hope paris is treating you both well. so sorry to have missed you guys before you left :(
