Sunday, March 22, 2009

Goals: more walking and more cooking...

One of my goals while I'm in Paris is to walk at least 5 miles a day (so that I can see as much of the city as I can and to get a little bit of exercise). Most days, I walk somewhere between 5 to 8 miles. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to tackle such a task when I don't have any particular destination. To help me achieve this goal today, I ventured off to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Monmartre.
I also saw the venue for Moulin Rouge, strolled the neighborhoods of Pigalle, and admired the architecture of the Paris Opéra.

Another one of my goals while I'm out here is to cook as much as possible and to learn new dishes. After all, I am here to attend culinary school (which starts tomorrow). I'm excited about starting classes yet a little nervous at the same time. It's been almost 6 years since I've been in school (St. Charles doesn't count!). I hardly remember what it's like to study, have homework, and get grades - yikes!

My culinary creations for today were a savory crepe and rice pudding. Hopefully, my creations will become more exciting as I get further along in my classes. If anyone has any ideas for what I should concoct for the days I'm not in school or has any favorite dishes/desserts they'd like me to learn, please send them my way! I'm always looking for ideas. If I learn how to make it, I promise I'll make it for you when I'm back in the States :-)


  1. You "promise" to make it for us when you're back here? Haha, I'm going to keep you to that promise. As for suggestions, I'll have to get back to you. I'm not hungry enough to think of one.

    Just wanted to wish good luck tomorrow(Or is it today?)!!! Kick ass and have fun!

  2. have a great first day in school! as for special requests....i would definitely loooove to have a tasting of garlic noodles :D

  3. That rice pudding looks yum-o! I would love to
    have that when you get back. By the way,
    I'm telling all our friends that we're having a party when you come we can taste your Le Cordon Bleu way of cooking. ;)
