Friday, March 27, 2009

Lesson 3: Chicken & rice with supreme sauce

Whew! I made it through my first week of school. Today, I had a demonstration and then a practical class following right after. Classes started at 12:30 today so I finally had a chance to sleep in a little. Most days, I have to be up by 6am to make it to class on time.

Today, we learned quite a bit: how to truss a chicken, how to poach chicken, how to make chicken stock, how to make cheese soufflé, how to make rice, about thickening agents (how to make roux & beurre manie, how to use the different potato, corn, and rice starches), how to make bechamel sauce, how to make supreme sauce, how to make different kinds of rice, and about different kinds of salts. Chef made all of these different things in our demonstration class but during our practical, we made poached chicken au riz gras with supreme sauce. Here are some pics from our demonstration class (chef's demo plate, the cheese soufflé, my tasting plate, and a pic of the chef and our translator).

I was exhausted after class and headed home on the metro. Quinn and I went for a short stroll along Rue Montorgueil and ran into Chang Soo and Nina! They were heading to Le Grappillon on Rue Tiquetonne for dinner. Later that night, Chang Soo and Nina stopped by the appart for some muscat and a variety of desserts (apple tartlette, chocolate ebene, mont blanc, and pain au chocolat), which we picked up from our fav patisserie, Maison Jouvin.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to learn how to cook rice other than the good ol' automatic rice cooker style!
    Have you perfected the apple tart recipe?

    I'm curious...what is "supreme sauce"?
