Monday, March 16, 2009

Musée Picasso dans le Marais

The Musée Picasso in Le Marais holds 3,000 pieces of Picasso's artwork from throughout his life. Although we only saw a fraction of that when we visited today, we were able to see the diversity of his art through the different mediums and styles he used. If you visit Paris and you're short on time, the Musée Picasso is "auditable" as Quinn would say.

We went back to try the runner-up of falafel shops in the Marais, Chez Marianne. It looks like most of the online reviews we read were right. Chez Marianne made it to the bottom of our list in the falafel category. Although it was quite tasty, it was incredibly messy and fell apart by the time we were finished. It also didn't have as much pizzazz as their neighboring falafel competitors, L'As du Falafel and Mi-Va-Mi.
Paul Boulangerie also didn't measure up to it's promise. Both the pain au chocolat and the apple tart tasted generically like something we'd get back in the States. We won't be going back to this boulangerie anytime soon...
Thank goodness Quinn made dinner tonight and made up for all of the short falls today... eggs, rice, and soy sauce... it was like we were back in SF!! (Quinn won me over on our second date by cooking me eggs, rice, and spam - my fav!)

Pedometer count for the day: 6 miles


  1. Wow! You've been having a gastronomical and cultural blast! Good thing you're working out those calories with the miles and miles of walking. Is the pain au chocolat your daily fare? How does it compare to the ones we get from Major Market?

  2. so that's what won you over? greg won me over with lime flavored tostitos :D

  3. Yup! We've been getting a daily dose of pain au chocolat at a different place everyday. They're soooo good here! Better than the ones from Major Market! ...maybe as good as the ones we used to get at South Coast Plaza :-) Miss you!
