Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pissalidiere, welcome party, Jean Paul Hevin, garlic noodles

During our practical today, we made pizza. They call it pissalediere but it really is pretty much pizza. I made the dough from scratch, reduced the onions (for 1 hour!), and prepped the toppings (tomatoes, anchovies, garlic, capers, and olives). It turned out quite well (I've never been able to make yeasty dough correctly before) and I was surprised to see how much the dough rose. Next time I try this at home, I'll try topping it with tomato sauce, cheese, and veggies - yum!

After our morning class, the school held a welcome party for the "Basic" students. They had cheese, wine (lots of wine), and fruit setup in the winter garden for us. Some of the Superior patisserie students had made mango mousse with rasperry sauce and cookies during their practical in the morning and some had left their classwork on the tables for everyone to eat. It was sooo good! I met a couple of Americans who were sitting at my table who were enrolled in Superior patisserie. One of the guys called it "flavored butter" but still, it was soooo good.

This afternoon, Quinn and I walked around the city, ran errands (got our train tickets to Champagne for this weekend), and stopped by Jean Paul Hevin for some chocolat chaud. It was quite delish and the ambience was cute too.

I whipped up a quick dinner of garlic noodles and chicken using some of the leftovers (chicken from class, Bercy sauce from Sunday's lunch). mmmm, just thinking about it makes me want to go get some from the fridge for a late night snack :-)

1 comment:

  1. You know Gracie, every time I read your blog I get SO effin hungry! Haha!

    Hope you and Quinn are doing well. Take care!
