Thursday, May 21, 2009

Catch up day...

Today was a day of catch up and American Idol breaks. Go Kris Allen!

I took some of the things I learned at school and applied it to our fav comfort food. For the spam, I cut the pieces into larger cubes. I made scrambled eggs according to the method we learned in demo a couple of days ago, and I molded the rice for a nice presentation.

Spam, rice, and eggs - Le Cordon Bleu-ified

Sauteed potatoes - Take 2 (made by Chef Quinn)

Deliziefollie gelato


  1. will you please please show me how to make baguette & croissants!!!! these are my favorites among the favorites!!!

    lov you

  2. Yes, definitely! I just learned how to make macaroons too! :-)
