Friday, May 15, 2009

Lesson #24, Cafe Constant, Les Petit Carreaux

Chef made pork medallions with charcutiere sauce, pommes Dauphine, trout flan with truffles, a port wine sauce and fresh fruit gratin with sabayon.

I headed over towards the Eiffel Tower during my break in between classes to meet Quinn for lunch at Cafe Constant.

For our practical class, we made the pork medallions (sauteed), charcutiere sauce (composed of veal sauce, sucs from the pork medallions, mustard, pickles, and cream), and pommes Dauphine (deep fried mixture of choux pastry and mashed potatoes).
Criollo from Stohrer...

Quinn had a friend in town from SF so we headed down the street to Les Petit Carreaux to grab some drinks.

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