Friday, May 22, 2009

Filipino beef steak, Lesson #27

I was craving Filipino beef steak, and Quinn surprised me by making some for lunch (Thanks Quinn!). It was very reminiscent of when my mom used to make it when I was younger and we'd eat it with bananas.

Today's demo class...
Sea bream fillets with fennel

Guinea fowl with cabbage
(the ingredients are cooked in the oven, decanted, molded, and put back in the oven)

Fried pear filled puffs
(made using the same method as apple turnovers but they are deep fried instead of baked)

For our practical class, we pan fried sea bream fillets, made an emulsified butter sauce, sauteed tomatoes, and made julienned fennel with dill. One trick we learned today was how to pan-fry fish in a stainless steel saute pan. To keep the fish from sticking to the pan, we lined it with parchment paper, drizzled some oil, and cooked the fish on top of the paper. It worked wonders!

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