Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lesson #29, seaweed butter

It's my last week of classes before our final exam, and I took Quinn in to one of my demo classes so he could see what it's all about. We made magret de canard a l'orange, ratatouille, pike perch with Maderia jus, and escargot & wild mushroom tartlettes.


Snails in a can...

We did some window shopping at Au Bon Marche and picked up some goodies for a picnic at La Grand Epicerie (including seaweed butter!).

We grabbed some drinks and a late dinner at Bianco, the Italian restaurant down the street. When we ordered beer at Bianco, we were trying to compare how the two different sizes (25cl and 50cl) would compare to fluid ounces. Later, we bought a 6-pack of 25cl and they're tiny, just over 8 ounces!

1 comment:

  1. i love escargot...one of my fav's...you have to teach me when you come back!
