Saturday, May 23, 2009

Viennoiserie, Thai Vien

I have never eaten so many croissants in one day...

We took a viennoiserie class at Le Cordon Bleu where we learned how to make croissants, pain au chocolat, and brioche from start to finish.

Kouign amman: This viennoiserie is made with the same dough used for croissants. When "turning" the dough, sugar is used instead of flour. Then, the dough is rolled, sliced, and placed into molds. When baked, they are sweet and buttery with a caramel crisp.

We had boxes of goodies that we took home with us (croissant overload!)

Cold buffet lunch

Verrine with mashed avocado with parsley, shrimp, cream sauce, diced avocado, paprika

For dinner, we headed to the 13th for Thai, Laotian, and Chinese food at Thai Vien. This place is a hidden gem. It was like King of Thai but... better!!!!

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