Friday, May 1, 2009

A picnic at the Eiffel Tower, finding a café...

It was yet another "bank holiday." I think France has a bank holiday about once every week...
Since it was a beautiful day and I had no classes, we decided to have a picnic on the lawn of the Eiffel Tower. We relaxed for several hours, lounged around, and enjoyed the great weather and each other's company.
We went shopping for picnic supplies on our street. We had a picnic with a baguette, pain au chocolat, a chocolat eclair, a millefeuille, some prosciutto, smoked salmon, camembert, some aged gouda, and red wine.

For those that forgot to pick up a bottle of wine, there are people who walk around selling wine and beer.

After all of our energy was zapped by the blazing sun, we decided to head to a café for cover (and to lounge some more). Our first choice was Dalloyau, our fav. When we got there, a parade/protest was underway and Dalloyau's electricity had gone out. Our second stop was Au Pied Cochon. Unfortunately, we could only get a table if we were planning to eat there. Our third and final stop was La Point St. Eustache café at the end of our street. We could only get drinks there but were told the kitchen was closed. Every café has particular hours when you can eat and when you can drink, and it varies from place to place. It's so hard to keep track!
We were able to get a café and a soda and had some entertainment while we sipped on our drinks. As I sipped my 4+ euros soda, Quinn reminded me of the day that I was absolutely starving but had absolutely refused to get a slice of pizza with him. The slice of pizza was 7 euros and based on principle, I was not going to spend the equivalent of $10 on a slice of pizza when I could get a whole pizza back home for that much. Today, I bought a bottle of soda that cost me about $6... I've finally come to accept some of the absurd prices here.

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