Monday, May 25, 2009

Lesson #28, making macaroons

Today's demo class...

Warm goat cheese salad with bacon and a vinaigrette dressing

Stuffed chicken legs, Madeira jus with caramelized apples

Chocolate and orange mousse with an orange salad

Trying to get in my veggie intake for the day...

For our demo class, we made the stuffed chicken legs, Madeira jus, and caramelized apples. There were only 5 of us so it was a little quieter than usual, and since the recipe wasn't complicated, we finished in 2 hours. It was also blistering hot so Chef made us a grenadine and water concoction to cool down.
The best way to make French food into Asian food... make fried rice out of it!

Making macaroons... Take 2 - Success! I got feet!

1 comment:

  1. yes, my macaroon!!!! i just got at jin last week, can't wait to test ;-D your macaroon!!!!
